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Pre-Order : SILK #1 (OF 5) CGCSS Remarque


(W) Goo, Maurene (A) Miyazawa, Takeshi

Release ( 03/31/2021 )

** InkInk Collectibles is offering graded signatures and a limited number of Remarque opportunities for the exciting issue one by Takeshi Miyazawa.

*** Just send us a "NOTE" and let us know what character you like on cover of chose, when you check out.

Artist :
Takeshi Miyazawa, is a Marvel veteran who drew the Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane , Ms Marvel, GhostSpider Spider-Gwen and Silk series, and He also co- created Silk’s fellow Agent of Atlas Amadeus Cho/Brawn with writer Greg Pak in 2005.

CGC books will ship after signing. In most cases 1 - 3 months after release. We need to meet with or ship to the artist so turnaround times are long. We cannot guarantee 9.8s on signed/remarked books. 9.6 or better. No refunds for 9.6s. We are ordering these books specifically for customers who buy them and you are agreeing to these terms. We will do the best we can.


Please Note :
Do expect a slight delay in the shipment as air freight services were reduced globally due to current COVID-19 outbreak.

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